
5 items found

Freebies: Flat Avatar Builder

Freebies: Flat Avatar Builder

You are invited to download Flat Avatar Builder for free, personal or commercial use. Flat Avatar Builder is avatar/character design set equipped with some customizations.

Freebies: Christmas Card

Freebies: Christmas Card

I decided to resurrect this old work and make it useful and most importantly, for free.

Freebies: Corporate ID Stationary Mockup

Freebies: Corporate ID Stationary Mockup

A set of stationary mockup for your corporate ID presentation. I worked on this while prepare a logo presentation for my recent client.

Indonesia We ( ) Campaign

Indonesia We (  ) Campaign

Happy 66th Independence Day for Indonesia. In one nation we always believe, in one flag we always hope for better, in one symbol we always questioning “are we really free?”.

Meet Muko

Meet Muko

Hello there ya folks, ma name is Muko, ma came from The Unfrozen Land. Actually ma is smiling to ya right now, but ma can’t show it. Witch of The Frozen Land stole ma face, also ma heart, grrrhh… it always make ma mad every time remember it. Do not fear ma, ma come to your world in peace, ma love peace. Ma also love yar face, and perhaps yar heart, may ma “borrow” it?